The future of protein is: Insects
Insects aren’t foreign to the cuisines in Asia, South America and Africa, but largely considered exotic (especially if you ask Fear Factor) in most parts of the world. In the coming decades, farmed insects might be not so exotic anymore for its potential to help tackle 2 of the world's biggest problems at once: food insecurity and the climate crisis.

Welcome to the Jungle
Zrou Garnded at the end of time – life begins and ends with mushroom and our 6 legged friends
Almond Tofu, Spiced bugs, Pickled Mushrooms, Black Olive Zrou Crumble
Insect farming isn’t limited by climate or landscape, and can free up 1/3 of land that are currently used to farm animals as well as produce feed for livestock. They are up to 25x more efficient at protein conversion, and contain more than TWICE as much protein as meat and fish. Crickets for example, require 80% less feed and emit less than 0.1% of the greenhouse emissions of cows to produce the same amount of protein.

Image: anderhusa.com, Noma
At the world's best restaurant NOMA (for many years and again in 2021) in Copenhagen, ants has been one of its star ingredients for its intricate flavor and form. On the left was ant paste as part of some of the best dessert we've had back in 2016 when we had the pleasure to visit before 1.0 closed.
Other sustainable opportunities: