The future of diet is: mostly plants
Wildlife accounts for just 4% of all mammals on this planet. 4%.
Humans: 36%. The remaining 60%? Livestock.

Livestock production accounts for about 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Global cattle population has reached 1 Billion in 2020 – The cattle industry typically requires 8x water and 160x land per calorie as vegetables; their burps and farts produce methane that’s 86x more potent than CO2 to warm the atmosphere.

Bloodless Meatballs
Feed the world and spill no blood
Mint and Basil Zrou Plant based Meatballs, Cashew Cream, Red Wine Glaze
A staggering 1/3 of all food produced is wasted every year, the 3rd largest carbon emitter after China and US. If we can remove all food waste, we could solve world hunger NOW.
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” – Michael Pollan
Imperfect produce ≠ Inedible. Waste no ingredient or leftovers, make meatballs.
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